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Our Stance

Let's Stand Against Racism

In the past year, we have all felt our collective grief compound — first through a deadly pandemic, and now, through unconscionable acts of violence.


At United Way of Jefferson County, we stand with the black community and those who are fighting for racial equality. We support the peaceful demonstrations here at who have been impacted by racism and injustice.


These recent events have revealed an uncomfortable and heartbreaking truth — that systemic racism and social inequities run deep across our country, and our own community is not exempt from these problems. For many, that pain and oppression are homegrown.


Over the past several months, we’ve heard stories from our friends, families and neighbors about the racial discrimination, fear and hatred they encounter in their daily lives. We have a responsibility to amplify their voices and shine a light on these issues.


It’s clear that as a country, as a community and as individuals, we need to do better, and at United Way of Jefferson County, we’re committed to making that change.


Our mantra has always been to LIVE UNITED because we know there’s strength in numbers. The more we denounce racism and the more we work together to advocate for human dignity and equality, the greater our collective impact will be.


As an organization, we want to learn and grow by listening to our community and hearing how we can work together to create this change. We’re committed to continuing these conversations and working with other organizations to align our resources and create systemic change, systems and practices against discrimination.


We continue to denounce racism and pledge to work toward a brighter future for all. We stand stronger when we LIVE UNITED.


We must all do our part to make Jefferson County the place that we need it to be. Equitable, respectful and opportunity-filled. Let’s remain united in our actions to create positive change and stand up for what is right. Together, we can work to remove barriers and provide support for all people in Jefferson County to ensure quality education, financial stability, health, and a place to call home.

What We Do

We are a catalyst that inspires people to invest in each other to strengthen and transform our community. The donations we receive go directly to nonprofit organizations in Jefferson County that are making a difference in our community. 


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Our Partner Agencies

How We Do It

Every year we are tasked with raising $350,000. In order to raise these vital funds we: apply for grants, seek individual contributions, host events, and engage our local workforce. 


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Why We Do It

Jefferson County is a wonderful place to live, work, and play. However, 25% of our population lives in poverty, and 25% of our residents are categorized as the working poor. This means 50% of Jefferson County residents struggle to get by every single day.


 A better educated, healthier, and financially stable community is strong.


This is why we fight.

We Need Your Support Today!

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